Risk Management » Interview With the New President of RIMS

Interview With the New President of RIMS

May 18, 2023


Jennifer Santiago assumed the role of President of the Risk Insurance Management Society last January. In an interview, she discusses her career in risk management, which began at NYU Medical Center, and notes that technology has dramatically changed risk management. She embraces the innovations that new technologies and AI bring — “forecasting, managing data, building out scenarios, keeping businesses compliant” —  and says the most pressing risks for the risk management industry are climate change, cyber risk, and the talent gap. “But we have learned through the pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine about the increasing frequency and high impact of geopolitical, civil and social unrest. It’s a feeling of being in continuous crisis response mode; fight or flight.” Her two biggest priorities: Keep risk management resilient as a profession, starting with the leadership; Deliver world-class risk management events, education and advocating for the profession.

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